This post was updated 416 days ago and some of the ideas may be out of date.
public class T03 { public static boolean isPrime(int x){ for (int i = 2; i < x; i++) { if(x%i==0) return false; } return true; } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 2; i <=100 ; i++) { if(isPrime(i)) System.out.print(i+","); } } }
import java.util.Scanner; public class T02 { public static void main(String[] args) { int a,b,m,n,r; Scanner sc = new Scanner(; a=sc.nextInt(); b=sc.nextInt(); m=a>b?a:b; n=a<b?a:b; while(n!=0){ r=m%n; m=n; n=r; } System.out.println(m+","+a*b/m); } }
public class T01 { public static void main(String[] args) { int i,a,b,c,d; for(i=1000;i<10000;i++){ //1234 a=i%10; b=i/10%10; c=i/100%10; d=i/1000; if(5==a+b+c+d&&a!=1&&b!=1&&c!=1&&d!=1) System.out.print(i+","); } } }
(1) 汽车类定义如下成员:
① 两个私有成员变量:车牌号和汽车颜色;
② 一个无参构造方法;
③ 一个有参构造方法;
(2) 公交车类定义如下成员:
① 一个成员变量:准载人数;
② 一个无参构造方法;
③ 一个有参构造方法。
public class Car { private String no; private String color; public Car(){} public Car(String no,String color){; this.color=color; } } class Bus extends Car{ int num; public Bus(){} public Bus(String no,String color,int num){ super(no,color); this.num=num; } }
(1) 定义一个抽象类表示形状类,在类中定义抽象方法求形状的周长;
(2) 定义形状类的子类圆形类,实现求其周长的方法。
public abstract class Shape { public abstract double prime(); } class Circle extends Shape{ double r; @Override public double prime() { return 2*Math.PI*r; } }